Forgot my password
Go to MyCats -site and click on the link I’m already a member, I want a password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Go to MyCats -site and click on the link I’m already a member, I want a password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
You can change your password, name and email with following instructions: Click your username in the top of screen Provide new password and update information if needed Save User account management (user rights, validity-date etc.) Click the ”User management” –tab If you cannot see User management – tab, you do not have the sufficient rights…
Go to MyCats-site Apply for membership by filling the member form (link). Choose the club you want to join in and choose the membership type Fill in at least the fields marked with star (*). Once ready, click Register -button. If the registration was successful, you will receive a notification and an invoice to the…
Go to MyCats -site Log in with your MyCats -credentials. Go to Memberships-tab and click Add membership –button. Choose the club you want to join in and choose the membership type Your personal information is prefilled. After finishing press Save-button. If the registration is successful, you will receive a notification and an invoice to the email…
Suomen Kissaliitto julkaisi 1.4.2023 uuden HANKI KISSA -sivuston kissoista kiinnostuneille ja pentua etsiville. Sivustolla julkaistaan rotuesittelyjen ja kissarotutestin sekä myytävien kissojen lisäksi paljon tärkeää informaatiota kissan hankinnasta, omistamisesta ja hoidosta. Sivuston osoite on Kasvattajat ja kissan omistajat voivat Omakissan kautta julkaista pentuja ja aikuisia kissoja Hanki kissa-sivustolle myyntiin. Hanki kissa -sivuston ja Omakissan välille…
Tips and notes: The interface between Omakissa and Hankikissa website relies on various functions and checks of Omakissa, such as the validity of the cat owner’s memberships, the kitten’s age, etc. All of these also affect the data transferable through the interface. When a kitten is under 10 months old, it should be listed for…