Missing health information
You can add cat’s health information in Health information – tab.
You can add cat’s health information in Health information – tab.
In Show results – tab you can find the cat’s current titles and show results. Note! Only result’s achieved or added during the time of MyCats existence are shown here. Please take care of reporting the show results achieved from other countries immediately after the show. (Cats – tab. Choose the correct cat. Go to…
How you can find your cats information: Log in to MyCats -site https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/. If you don’t have the credentials, read more here. From the main page open the Cats-tab. In Cats –tab you can find all cats you own and have owned in the past. By clicking the cats name, you can see detailed information All cats…
Anyone can resign from the club by informing the board of the club via MyCats. Log in to MyCats with your personal credentials. Go to Memberships -tab. From this tab you can find all memberships to clubs you belong. Click on the Edit –button from the club’s line you want to resign. System will open…
From Invoices –tab you will see all the received invoices and their statuses. By clicking the invoice you can see the more specific details.
Go to MyCats-site https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/ Apply for membership by filling the member form (link). Choose the club you want to join in and choose the membership type Fill in at least the fields marked with star (*). Once ready, click Register -button. If the registration was successful, you will receive a notification and an invoice to the…
Go to MyCats-site (https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/) Click on the link I’m already a member, I need a password. Fill in the email address you have provided for your own club. In to this email address you will receive a mail with link, click the link. Create a personal, strong password. Now you can log in using your email…
We recommend that you always report foreign show results immediately after the show. This make’s both registrars and show secretaries work easier. Also keeping the show results up to date, we manage to avoid extra show result cancellation processes in the show committee. Foreign show results can be reported in Change requests – tab. Add…
If even one of the owners (male or female) membership has not been valid in the time of mating, MyCats does not allow to do the litter registration in reference to membership validation. In this case the membership needs to be taken care of immediately and registration will need to be done by MAILING the…