Members invoices
From Invoices –tab you will see all the received invoices and their statuses.
By clicking the invoice you can see the more specific details.
From Invoices –tab you will see all the received invoices and their statuses.
By clicking the invoice you can see the more specific details.
Click the check invoice from invoice’s row you want to process Fill in the amount of Payment and Date of payment and if there is other information to add. Click the Approve the invoice and the payments – button Payment will be visible in the invoice and invoice is marked as accepted. Please notice that…
All your invoices and their statuses can be found from MyCat under Invoices -view. Under the view you will find all membership, show registration and possible litter registration invoices. Especially in the beginning of each year when it is time to pay the club memberships, it is good to check what appears under the view….
Click the Invoicing – tab. Klikkaa yläpalkissa kohtaa Laskutus Click the Invoice memberships Fill in at least the fields marked with star (*) Choose the Membership type from the list. (Invoice amount is defined by the choices, you can also choose multiple membership types) Click on the Search invoices Choose the members who you want…
Reference material will include all the payments paid with correct reference code, also others than membership payments. Unallocated payments are processed in Invoicing – tab, section Unallocated payments Search all unallocated payments e.g. in certain time table. If you do not give any search options, search will bring all unallocated payments. From the list you…
Click on the Invoicing – tab Under invoicing tab, click the invoicing history. In this view you can check and search invoices imported to ledger. You can either set search options or leave them blank, then system will search all invoices.
Click the ”Invoicing” – tab Click the ”Create payment notice” Fill in at least the fields marked with star (*) Click ”Search” – button From the list you can choose the members who will receive the payment notice, or you can choose all. After making choice, click ”Create payment notice for selected invoices” System will…