Membership paid by the breeder

Breeder can join new member to a club in MyCats -service. The payer for the first year’s membership fee will be the breeder. Availability of this function varies between clubs, and breeder name is required for using this function.

  1. Log in with your credentials and go to Cattery name -tab.
  2. Press the Create a breeder paid membership –button.
  3. Fill in the following information:
    • Club, where the new member is joined (Clubs where the breeder is a member, are listed here)
    • Search for the gift memberships receiver with name or email address
    • Search result will appear on the drop down menu. System will show limited information of the person, but enough information to identify the correct person.
    • Choose the correct person and save the data, other details will not be filled.
    • If you cannot find the person, provide the person’s contact information: Email Address, First- and Last name.
  4. Save data.

After that the breeder will receive a notification email about the joined member and an invoice. Invoice can also be found from MyCats Invoices-tab.

Membership will be valid after the club’s membership register has validated the membership.

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