Summary of entries (view for show secretaries)
In Shows – page, Entries- tab you can see the summary of entries.
Column 1. (Entered) includes ALL entries regardless the status. This includes all entries in approved, rejected, unfinished and canceled status.
Column 2. (Approved) includes only entries that are Approved.
Column 3. (Rejected) includes only entries that are rejected (rejected by the show secretary)
Column 4. (Unfinished) includes only entries that are unfinished (mainly entries that are left unfinished by the enterer)
Column 5. (Canceled) includes only entries that are canceled by the show secretary.
NOTE! The maximum number of cats in show’s basic info – tab might give a different number of cats than the show secretary’s view of entries. This is because one cat can have multiple entries (to different classes).
Number of entries in the public site of MyCats ( includes all entries (entered, accepted, rejected, unfinished etc.).