Adding judges / Judge Allocation

Judges are added to show in Judges – tab. From this tab you can also see all judges in this show, all EMS – codes for cats in this show and the number of these. This information is also shown for the member when the confirmation letter is published.

Actual judge allocation is made in Judge allocation– tab.

When creating the judge allocation, it is recommended to open the Compaction of the cats of the show –print for help. You can also save the print as Excel-, Word- or pdf-file.

Allocating the cat’s to judges:

  • Use the search option to find the group you want to allocate the judge. At this moment you can search the cats by all, category, breed, sex, class, type (adult/neutered), color group, color, judge
  • When suitable search result is found, you can set it for judge:
    • Choose the judge’s name from next to the Set Judge –button.
    • Program will check what category rights the judge has and for which cat’s the judge can be set. These cat’s line will have the selection point.
    • All cats can be chosen by enabling the selection point. Cats can be added or removed also one by one.
    • You can choose the judge by pressing the Set judge – button
  • You can also set the judge’s for the cats one by one. In the drop down menu you can see the judges who have the category qualification for this cat.
  • Choose two judges for determination class. Set judge –button set’s only one of the judge’s, the other one needs to be added manually to Judge 2 –field.

After saving the judge allocation, the number of cat’s and EMS –codes is shown in the Judge’s –tab.

Bulk changing the judge

If the judge needs to be changed (e.g. judge has canceled due to sickness), specific judge’s cats can be searched by choosing the judge’s name as search option. Judge allocation can be changed by selecting new judge from the drop down menu to cats one by one or for all cats by pressing the Add Judge – button.

  • Judge can be removed from specific cat by taking the Choose option from Judge 1 field drop down menu (if needed Judge 2 too). New information is updated immediately.