Certificate from DNA- test
Vet’s certificate of DNA –test is always required. Without proper certificate the result cannot be added to Kissaliitto’s data, then it is marked unofficial data.
Go to MyCats-site https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/ Apply for membership by filling the member form (link). Choose the club you want to join in and choose the membership type Fill in at least the fields marked with star (*). Once ready, click Register -button. If the registration was successful, you will receive a notification and an invoice to the…
Users with a breeder name can manage the contact information related to their breeder name themselves. Click to open the Breeder Name tab. 2. Click the ‘Edit Contact Information’ button. Edit the email address, phone number, or website address. 3. Click the ‘Save’ button to apply the updated information.
Go to MyCats-site (https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/) Click on the link I’m already a member, I need a password. Fill in the email address you have provided for your own club. In to this email address you will receive a mail with link, click the link. Create a personal, strong password. Now you can log in using your email…
Before adding information, personal credentials must be created in Omakissa. When you logged in to Omakissa, click on the “Cats” tab. 1.Click the Add Cat button. When you start entering the microchip number, Omakissa informs you of how many characters you still need to input. This makes entering the microchip number series easier. 2. After entering…
Jokaisella kissalla on oma Terveystiedot-välilehti, jonne kerätään kissasta tehdyt terveystiedot. Terveystiedot on jaettu kahteen osaan “Pakolliset ja suositellut terveystiedot” ja “Muut terveystiedot“. Pakolliset ja suositellut terveystiedot osiosta löytyvät jalostuskäyttöä varten vaaditut terveystulokset sekä FIFé testiohjelman mukaiset (Kasvatus- ja rekisteröintisäänto 3.5.1) mukaiset suositellut terveystestit. Rotukirjaaja hyväksyy ja kuittaa kuittaa käsitellyksi tämän ryhmän terveystestit. Kaikki tämän ryhmän…
Go to MyCats -site https://omakissa.kissaliitto.fi/ and click on the link I’m already a member, I want a password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.