Obtaining a title (entering results)
Cat’s new ”Title” is saved to results in Show – tab, provide the title’s details and save the information. Kissaliitto’s office will validate the title when certificates have been checked.
Cat’s new ”Title” is saved to results in Show – tab, provide the title’s details and save the information. Kissaliitto’s office will validate the title when certificates have been checked.
Is some of the health – or show results missing, or is there incorrect data? Do you need help with MyCats. First search for help here in MyCats instructions. Note, that you need to have a proper document of the correct information if you are reporting incorrect or missing information. If you find incorrect show…
Determination class results are added to Show result – page. Edit the cat’s result and give the determination class result to “Other result” – field. Fill in to Other result – field the EMS – code judge gave and Save (and print the diploma if needed). Result of determination class (or if judge gives new…
There is two different practices to enter the show results, those practices are described below. Both practices are exactly similar, show secretary can choose which practice to use. Practice 2 is more efficient and it is more suitable for large shows. Practice 1: Show-tab You can choose all cats by pressing ”Show all” – link or…
We recommend that you always report foreign show results immediately after the show. This make’s both registrars and show secretaries work easier. Also keeping the show results up to date, we manage to avoid extra show result cancellation processes in the show committee. Foreign show results can be reported in Change requests – tab. Add…
Jos tuntuu että vahvistuskirjeeseen ei meinaa mahtua riittävästi tekstiä niin kannattaa käyttää tekstit esim. Notepadin/Muistion kautta (ei siis suoraan MS Wordista). Näin turhat tekstinkäsittelyohjelman tekemät muotoilut tippuvat pois ja vahvaritekstiin mahtuu lisämerkkejä. Tämä koskee kaikkia muitakin näyttelyn teksti-ikkunoita. Suosittelemme käyttämään myös Omakissan omia tekstimuokkaustyökaluja