Processing show payments

The invoice that was populated for the member when show entry was created, depends from the products the member chose.  One invoice can contain multiple cat’s show entries (multiple products). When entry is added by the show secretary, no invoice is populated. Invoices are processed the same way as invoicing members happens. (More information: membership…


Registering a litter

A litter can be registered through Omakissa / Mycats if: The breeder and the sire’s owner have Omakissa/Mycats credentials, valid memberships, and agreements in place. The litter’s date of birth is 3 months old or less. Litter registration must be completed within 3 months of the litter’s birth. If the kittens are registered after 3…

I have too many cats

There might be several reasons for this, e.g. if you as breeder have forgotten to report ownership changes for registrar, ownerships have not been updated to register. You can transfer the ownership in MyCats together with the new owner. Instructions for ownership change: Ownership change if the new owner is not member of any club,…