
Go to Reports – tab and click the Member list by clubs Enter the date, default is current date, report will show members until that date you set. Choose the club whose members you want to view. Click Search After that you can see the list of all members of the club you chose. You…


You can log in to MyCats in: If you are logging in as a member of club, use the credentials you received. If you are having issues with logging in, contact your club’s main user. If you are your club’s main user, contact the MyCats support. MyCats-support for clubs In all question related to…

Magazine subscriptions and group emails

Club can handle the magazine subscriptions in two ways. Either by using the subscriptions-functions (member’s details/Subscriptions – tab) or via group email. Club’s member magazines Ask the MyCats main user to found the club’s magazine with following information: Name for the magazine Paper, electronic or both Example: Mallikkaat Rotukissayhdistys Ry (MROK) publishes their own member…