Show catalogue

Show catalogue is divided in two sections. Cat data-file is text – type of raw data of the cats of the show divided in groups with tabbing. Cat data is easy to copy from this view to a different editor for modifying the format etc.


Word-type “Access show catalogue“-print includes all other information needed for show catalogue: extra classes, board of extra points, judge allocation, list of enterers etc. Data from the word-file can be copied to other file (for printing) or it can be used as template for the show catalogue.

Both days require their own prints. When creating one catalogue for both days, you need to import both days separately (Access show catalogue and Access cat data). These will be migrated manually in the file that is sent for printing.


You can also create the show catalogue from Excel-file by using the Word’s merging function. File contains also non relevant information and it is recommended to modify the data and check the formatting. Modifying file will require Excel skills.

This file can also be used in other show prints, if you want to create it separately instead of using MyCats ready prints.

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