Marking the cat as deceased
You can report the cat as deceased: Open the cat’s details. Press the Report as deceased – button. Give the date and reason for death and press Save. Cat is marked deceased immediately. Action is free of charge
You can report the cat as deceased: Open the cat’s details. Press the Report as deceased – button. Give the date and reason for death and press Save. Cat is marked deceased immediately. Action is free of charge
Ownership change requires acceptance from all owners. Acceptance can be given by logging in to MyCats –site, in cats details page press Allow change of ownership –button. This acceptance needs to be done in every case, even the cat has only one owner. Ownership of the cat can be changed by creating a PIN-code for…
When the payment of the entry is processed, entry is either approved or rejected (if entry is cancelled or payment is late). Entry can be approved by clicking the Approve– link or opening the entry as Edit –status and saving the entry status to Approved All entries made by members are approved one by one…
Jokaisella kissalla on oma Terveystiedot-välilehti, jonne kerätään kissasta tehdyt terveystiedot. Terveystiedot on jaettu kahteen osaan “Pakolliset ja suositellut terveystiedot” ja “Muut terveystiedot“. Pakolliset ja suositellut terveystiedot osiosta löytyvät jalostuskäyttöä varten vaaditut terveystulokset sekä FIFé testiohjelman mukaiset (Kasvatus- ja rekisteröintisäänto 3.5.1) mukaiset suositellut terveystestit. Rotukirjaaja hyväksyy ja kuittaa kuittaa käsitellyksi tämän ryhmän terveystestit. Kaikki tämän ryhmän…
It is possible to download documents with prefilled cat information from MyCats (MS Word format). Download the documents to your own computer like this: First select the cat you want to use for prefilling the document, and open the cat info page Go to the bottom of the basic info -view to the section…
Now you are able to see your cat’s results that are calculated to cat ranking. By clicking the cats details and opening Show results – tab, you can see all the domestic results that are calculated to ranking. In Show results –tab you can find a Cat show point calculation link. By clicking the link…
Cat’s ownership is redeemed with PIN-code, and all owner’s will need to redeem it personally. The PIN – code you can get from the seller via e.g. email or paper. Go to Cats – tab, click the Give PIN-code for ownership change -button (picture 1) Give the PIN-code you got from the seller to the…
Is some of the health – or show results missing, or is there incorrect data? Do you need help with MyCats. First search for help here in MyCats instructions. Note, that you need to have a proper document of the correct information if you are reporting incorrect or missing information. If you find incorrect show…
Normally, litters eligible for registration are registered via the Omakissa service, which also automatically generates the invoice. If you wish to receive a printed registration certificate for the litter or for any of the kittens in the litter, it must be ordered after the registration through the kitten’s individual page. If printed registration certificates are…
If all the required show results for JW/DM/DSM/DVM-title can be found from MyCats site, cat’s Show results – tab, but you have not received a confirmation from registrar (email and/or diploma) then contact the registrar via email. If some of the required results is missing from Show results – tab, you can add them with…