Change request to cat’s information

Changing cat’s information can be done in Change Requests – tab.

  1. Open the cat’s details which you want to change
  2. Choose the Change request’s – tab and click the Add – button
  3. From the drop down menu, choose the correct change type
    1. Cat sterilization/castration
    2. Change of breed, color, pattern or tail length
      • Over 10 month old cat’s change requires copy of class 13 c show diploma
    3. Change to health information
      • Attach a copy of veterinarian certificate
    4. Saving an old or foreign show result
      • Attach a copy of show diploma
    5. Cancel breeding restrictions
      • Attach copies of the documents required for the cancellation
    6. Change of sex
      • Attach the document for sex change.
    7. Microchip number can be reported in Microchip information section’s Add – button in Change requests – tab.
      • Attach the microchip certificate
    8. Add all needed attachments (permitted file types gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tif, bmp, doc, docx, rtf, pdf, odf).
    9. Attach the receipt of the payment in image file, if it’s needed. Payment instructions for change requests can be found below.
    10. Save.

Attachments added in to health information and microchips need to be complete documents. All certificates need to have cat’s full name, registration number, signature’s etc. Attachments quality needs to be clear, all details need to be readable (e.g. plain microchip number is not enough). If the certificate attached is not clear enough for identifying the cat, the health information or microchip cannot be validated.

Note! In following changes the pedigree book needs to be delivered to Kissaliitto’s office: change to breed, color, pattern or length of tail, cancellation of breeding restriction and sex change.

Payment instructions for change request

Chargeable change requests are changes to breed, color, pattern or length of tail, cancellation of breeding restriction and sex.  Change request fee is 11.00 € and it is paid to Kissaliitto’s account FI33 1523 3000 1020 04   by using reference code 123.

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