
Register a cat (non-member, housecat or foreing)

  1. Press Register a cat button. Attention! You cannot see this button if you have not added your cat association to Omakissa.
  2. You cat might already exist in Omakissa, so please write your cats name first to Search field and press Search button.
  3. If you find your cat, press Select button
  4. If you cat doesn’t exist in Omakissa, press Add new -button.
  5. Fill out the form carefully and press Save button. ATT! If you can’t find your cats parents in Omakissa leave parents blank and add later (see paragraph 6)
  6. Adding parents to cat:
    1. Open cat’s basic info page.
    2. Press question mark link for adding sire/dam.
    3. Add new sire/dam (look paragraph 5).
  7. Add tittle to your cat:
    1. Open cats basic info page and select Show results and press Add button.
    2. Add title and press Save button.

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