Who should I contact for help? 

MyCats-support provides help for problems and questions about using MyCats (e.g. account does not work, too many/few cats listed etc.). First you should always check for MyCats instructions, if you can find answer to your issue from there. If you cannot find the answer, contact the MyCats-support (Facebook or email: omakissa.tuki@kissaliitto.fi) Other issues, like questions related…

Omakissan julkisesta näkymästä seuraat kissojen tietoja ja tuloksia reaaliajassa!

sivulla kissat.kissaliitto.fi – voit katsella kissojen sukutauluja ja terveystietoja – tarkastella eri rotujen rekisteröintimääriä – seurata reaaliajassa meneillään olevien näyttelyiden tuloksia – tarkastella menneiden näyttelyiden näyttelytuloksia – pysyä ajanhermolla ranking-tilastoista

Cat register

MyCats service has enabled the possibility to view and modify cat information electronically. These kind of functions are e.g. litter registration, saving health information and changing ownerships. Some of the functions are still chargeable and some are free of charge (e.g. reporting the cat as deceased or neutered, or change of ownership). MyCats has also…

Magazine subscriptions and group emails

Club can handle the magazine subscriptions in two ways. Either by using the subscriptions-functions (member’s details/Subscriptions – tab) or via group email. Club’s member magazines Ask the MyCats main user to found the club’s magazine with following information: Name for the magazine Paper, electronic or both Example: Mallikkaat Rotukissayhdistys Ry (MROK) publishes their own member…